To prepare for lecture, you will typically need to review some online materials and to complete an online quiz on the Top Hat Pro platform. Your work on these quizzes will not typically be graded for correctness, but it should demonstrate that you have adequately prepared for lecture.
The pre-lecture quizzes must be completed by the specified date and time; late submissions will not be accepted.
Your participation grade will be based on three things:
You will receive full credit for participation if you earn at least 85% of the points on Top Hat, make 85% of the lecture-attendance votes, and participate in at least 85% of the lab sessions. For a given component, if you end up with x% where x is less than 85, you will get x/85 of the possible points.
The above participation policies are designed to allow for occasional absences due to illness or other special circumstances.
We will be recording the lectures and making the recordings available to everyone in the class on Blackboard. If you need to miss a lecture for any reason, you should simply watch the recording for that lecture as soon as possible after it is posted. In addition, you should keep up with the pre-lecture tasks and the current assignments. Please do not email your instructor about absences of this type.
Last updated on February 27, 2025.