, which will forward your question to all
staff members. Please avoid sending an email directly to a
staff member, unless the matter only pertains
to that person (e.g., to arrange an appointment).
name & contact info. |
office hours |
David G. Sullivan |
Mon 2:30-4:30 pm, CDS 801; |
TAs teach the labs, hold office hours and assist with other aspects of the course.
name & contact info. | |
Arjun Chandra ‘25ac25.edu |
Aidan Clark ‘25clarkaid@bu.edu |
Sean McCarty ‘26mccartys@bu.edu |
Rithvik Nakirikanti ‘25rithvikn@bu.edu |
Undergraduate course assistants hold office hours and assist with other aspects of the course.
name & contact info. | |
Justin Doran ‘25jdoran@bu.edu |
Alice Han ‘26alicehan@bu.edu |
Thomas Lee ‘25tlee03@bu.edu |
Tiannu (Monty) Zhang ‘26montyy@bu.edu |
Last updated on January 16, 2025.