Information Security: Theory vs. Reality course (Winter 2015-2016)

  • Lecturer: Eran Tromer  <>
  • Teaching assistant: Tzvika Geft  <>
  • Time: Tuesday 17:00-20:00,
  • Place: Electrical Engineering Classrooms building, room 206


Please fill the course questionnaire.

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  • Lecture 1: Introduction, Architectural side channels 1/2 [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 2: Architectural side channels 2/2 [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 3: Power analysis, correlation power analysis [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 4: Machine learning techniques in side-channel analysis [pdf]
  • Lecture 5: Side channels: memory, taxonomy [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 6: Physical Side Channel Attacks on PCs [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 7: Fault attacks, Hardware security (1/2) [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 8: Hardware security (2/2),Leakage/tamper resilience (1/2) [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 9: Leakage/tamper resilience (2/2) [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 10: Trusted Platform Architecture and SGX [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 11: Fully-homomorphic encryption and Oblivious RAM [pdf] [pptx]
  • Lecture 12: Verified computation [pdf] [pptx]


  • Exercise 1: (Micro)architectural attacks on a stream cipher [pdf] [data]
  • Exercise 2: Power analysis, traffic analysis, fault [pdf] [data]
  • Exercise 3: Leakage/tamper-resilience, fully homomorphic encryption [pdf]